4 Things You Need to Know about Flood Insurance

Are you under the impression that your homeowner’s insurance policy will pay for flood damage? If so, you should probably think again. Generally, homeowner’s insurance does not provide flood insurance coverage. In fact, you will likely have to purchase a completely separate policy to obtain this type of protection. As for now, let’s take a quick look at four things you need to know about flood insurance. 

Who needs flood insurance?

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, then the mortgage holder to your home may mandate that you obtain flood insurance. The best way, of course, to determine whether or not you are required to purchase this type of coverage. 

Where to buy flood insurance?

Did you know there are more than 80 companies that sell various types of flood insurance policies? That’s right, and you can also buy this type of insurance through property insurance agents. To learn more about taking advantage of a flood insurance policy, speak with a qualified agent today. 

How much does flood insurance cost?

The amount of money that you pay for flood insurance will depend on a variety of factors. For starters, the location and value of your home are the primary two factors that affect the rate of your flood insurance. The age and style of your home will also affect your insurance rate. Remember, flood insurance rates are set according to a national rate, so they don’t vary from one company to the next. Still yet, any discounts you qualify for may be able to save you money. 

Are there different types of flood insurance?

Flood insurance is flood insurance. All policies are the same in that they provide coverage for flooding, but the amount of coverage that they provide does vary depending on the policy you purchase. 

Contact Pro America Insurance  to learn more about buying flood insurance. 

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Can Renters Purchase Flood Insurance?

If you are renting a home in an area that is subject to flooding, you may find yourself wondering if you can purchase flood insurance as a renter. This is a question that we get often at Pro America Insurance. Here are a couple of the questions you may have about this topic and the answers. 

Can Renters Purchase Flood Insurance? 

One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that renters cannot purchase flood insurance. Renters do have the ability to purchase a flood insurance policy. This policy helps to cover the belongings that are contained inside of their rental home. These policies are often capped at a specific amount, but the limits are typically high enough to cover all of the valuables the average person stores in their home. 

Do You Have to Have Renter’s Insurance to Purchase Renter’s Flood Insurance? 

If you do not currently have renter’s insurance and have decided that you do not want to purchase that type of insurance, you may wonder if you are still eligible to buy flood insurance. Flood insurance is separate from a regular renter’s insurance policy. As such, you can obtain a flood insurance policy even if you do not have renter’s insurance. Additionally, the property owner’s insurance policies have no bearing on your right to purchase a policy. Whether or not the property owner carries flood insurance will not have a bearing on whether you can or cannot purchase a renter’s policy. 

If you are renting a condo, apartment, home or other dwelling and are looking to purchase flood insurance to protect your belongings, Pro America Insurance can help find the right policy for your needs. Call us now to schedule an appointment to sit down with one of our insurance agents and discuss your flood insurance needs. 

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Do You Need Workers’ Comp Insurance In An Office Environment?

When you run a small business, it can be difficult to understand whether or not you need to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ comp insurance sounds like something you would only need if you were running a construction business, however, nothing could be further from the truth. In Naples, FL, all businesses with four or more employees are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage. 

Your first question is likely about how much this insurance coverage is going to cost, and that answer depends on a few different factors, including the type of business you run, the payroll for your business, the insurance company with which you choose to work, and the previous insurance claims made by your business. There are also options in Florida to receive discounts on your workers’ comp insurance, including a 2% deduction for running a workplace safety program and a 5% deduction for running a drug free workplace program. The start up cost of these programs is usually well worth the insurance savings, but it’s important to know that you must renew these programs every year to continue receiving the discount. It’s a good idea to use these discounts- if one of your employees files a workers compensation claim and you are found responsible, you will likely need to pay 100% of the employee’s medical expenses. Your insurance agent can walk you through the step by step process of ensuring you get the largest discount available. 

Workers’ compensation insurance is absolutely necessary, and it’s important to work with an insurance agent whom you trust. Call Pro America Insurance serving Naples, FL today to get your workers’ compensation insurance quote.

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What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

Commercial insurance is a rather broad term and it includes many different things. As such, if you own a business, you will want to talk to an insurance specialist to determine what your commercial insurance needs are and what should and should not be covered in your plan. However, here are a few of the things that are typically covered by commercial insurance.


Commercial business insurance protects your business against theft. If someone steals product from you, your insurance company will pay you the amount of money you are out, less any deductible you may have if your store or business is burglarized.

Loss of Employee

Another aspect that commercial insurance covers is the loss of an employee. This typically relates to higher ups in a business but can be modified to include anyone important in your operations. If an employee has an unexpected event that causes them to be unable to work, such as a sudden medical condition not related to work, your business can be negatively impacted. The insurance helps you to cover the cost of bringing in someone else to take this employee’s position until the employee is able to return to work or a new employee is trained and up to speed.

Forced Business Closures

The last thing that commercial insurance covers is forced business closures. If your business is forced to close due to building renovations, a fire or other unexpected events, you may lose out on the money. Commercial insurance covers those losses so your business is not impacted.

If you are looking to obtain a new commercial insurance plan, Pro America Insurance serving the greater Naples, FL area, would love to assist you. Contact us today to discuss what all a commercial insurance plan can cover and what coverage types you need. We can also provide you with a free price quote.

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Commercial Insurance: Who Provides Insurance For A Pizza Delivery Driver?

Here’s a question you might not have considered before: When you call up the local pizza parlor and order a large pepperoni for delivery, who’s picking up the insurance payments for the delivery? Does the restaurant cover it, or does the delivery driver provide his own insurance?

The short answer is: More often than not, the driver provides their own auto insurance, while their employers provide the commercial insurance that will cover the driver and the company if, for instance, somebody steals from the driver, if they’re injured on the job and need to collect workers compensation and so on. Most pizza places do not provide company cars, the driver typically provides their own vehicle, so they typically provide their own insurance.

That being said, there are some exceptions. Domino’s, for instance, recently debuted their converted Sparks cars, complete with warming ovens that can hold up to 80 pizzas at a time. These cars are, of course, covered under the corporation’s commercial policy.

Some insurance providers do not cover delivery drivers at all because of the extra mileage put on the car and the risks involved with the job. In some scenarios, the provider may offer delivery driver insurance, but may withhold the offer based on the driver’s record. 

The options that are available from a provider like, for instance, Progressive Insurance Agency Inc. will vary from driver to driver and from area to area. If you’re looking into becoming a delivery driver, you will want to talk to an agent about getting covered for delivery work and talk to your prospective employers about their own minimum insurance requirements for drivers.

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What is Life Insurance?

If you are new to buying any type of life insurance, you will need to know how it works and have a good understanding of the types in order to choose the coverage that will be best for you and your family.  If you are in Naples, FL, the team at Progressive Insurance Agency, Inc. is standing by to help you.

 In essence a life insurance policy is basically a contract between you and the insurance company.  You make payments on the premium and in exchange for that, the insurance company will make a lump sum payment – aka a “death benefit” – to your beneficiaries when you, or the insured party, dies.

In a typical situation, the life insurance type will be determined by the goals and needs of the policy owner.  The type known as term life insurance will provide the protection only for a specific amount of time.  The more permanent type, like whole or universal life insurance, provides coverage for a lifetime.  One more thing that is important to know is that the death benefits from life insurance policies are typically tax free. 

Term Life Insurance

This type is typically less expensive than the permanent types of life insurance.  It is designed to offer financial protection for a set period of time – usually 10 or 20 years.  The premium will remain the same for the length of the coverage period.  Once the coverage period is up, you can generally renew the policy at higher premiums.

Whole Life Insurance

This is one of the permanent types and has been designed to provide coverage for a lifetime.  Because of this, the premiums are typically higher.  The premium payments are usually fixed and the policy actually has a cash value – which means that it can actually function as a savings component.

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Get The Motorcycle Insurance You Need In Naples Florida

In today’s day and age motorcycles are a hot commodity, and just incase you feel insurance is unnecessary to think again. Motorcycles are easier to steal than cars are; and, the parts are also subject to theft. If your bike isn’t stolen, and a mirror or other accessories are, you can purchase coverage that may replace your stolen items.

With certain coverage, you can protect items that have been added on to your bike. Regardless of the type, or its price, there are many policy coverage options for your bike with an insurer. With some insurance, personal injuries may be protected. So, if you end up in the hospital, and need medical assistance, or even need to see a specialist, many insurers offer options for this. Be sure you know what extra protection is available, and what exactly will be covered. If you or any passengers are injured, most policies kick in to help with the expenses you would otherwise incur.  If you damage someone’s property, you may be covered. During an accident,  there is no telling how much damage will ensue or how much it will cost. However,

With a good insurance policy in place, you likely will be protected from certain expenses. Natural disasters and catastrophes may all be included under policy coverage. And in an area such as Naples, Florida, where these are frequent events, consider searching for coverage that will aid in the event of a mishap. Not only to avoid possible out-of-pocket costs, but at least some repairs done which result from these catastrophic events may be covered under your policy. With that being said, Stop by the office of Progressive Insurance Agency Inc. in Naples or visit the website to gain peace of mind.


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4 Tips for Safety On Your First ATV Outing

If you know how to drive, then your first time on an ATV is nothing to be nervous about. Depending on the model you get, you may have a tough time shifting, steering or finding the right speed. However, all of these are easily worked out as you get some practice. Here are 4 additional tips for staying safe for your first ride. 

1.  The Right ATV

Ensure your ATV has simple controls. A good rule of thumb is to see how long it takes for someone to explain how something works. If you feel lost a quarter or halfway through what they’re saying, then you should consider picking an ATV with fewer features. 

2. Location, Location, Location

You need to find a location where you feel comfortable even if something goes wrong. Don’t practice on hard roads in case you fall and make sure the area is as open as possible. There are few ways to hurt yourself or your vehicle on a soft, even dirt trail just itching to be torn up by your wheels, so scout your locations for your first trip. 

3. That Outfit Brings Out Your Eyes 

Buy a jacket, and throw in shoulder and knee-padded clothing while you’re at it. Oh, and a helmet and some goggles. If you value your many body parts, then don’t leave them to chance in hopes that you’re an all-star rider from the second you get into the seat. 

4. Get Some Coverage 

Getting insurance from a provider like Progressive Insurance Agency Inc. means that you’ve got a fail-safe against theft and accidents. No one ever means for something to go wrong, but all too often we pay for common mistakes. Let someone else help you out when you get covered. 

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Make a Difference in Naples

Progressive Insurance Agency Inc asks residents of Naples, Florida to do their share and help out in their communities. There are many ways to give back and make a difference that don’t require you to donate to a charity that may not be using all the money toward the cause. You can do your part by giving your time.

1. Give Blood 

Donate blood. A lot is needed for accident victims and those with certain medical conditions. It’s always in need and oftentimes in limited supply. Become a regular donator. The American Red Cross states that you’re able to give blood every eight weeks or 56 days if you’re giving whole blood. Those who want to contribute double red blood cells may donate every 16 weeks or 112 days. You may donate platelet apheresis donors may give every seven days but may only donate 24 times per year.

2. Organizations for the Homeless

There are many organizations such as the National Coalition for the Homeless that help those who don’t have anywhere to go. Some of these organizations provide the homeless with meals and places to sleep temporarily. They even offer assistance with building homes and job training.

3. Animal Shelters 

Not all of the living creatures in need can tell you they’re hurting. Animals in shelters are living in a temporarily living facility and rely on volunteers and donations for them to survive. You may even want to foster a cat or adopt a pet, so there’s one less animal who doesn’t have a home and someone to love him or her.

Contact Pro America Insurance Agency today at 239-434-5500 or visit our website for a no obligation quote.

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Why You Should Consider Flood Insurance

Floods can happen anywhere but that is something that many homeowners forget about when they are shopping for insurance for their home. Whether they believe that the flood cannot happen to them or if they think they already have it, there are many people who still do not have flood insurance protection. Unfortunately, because a flood can happen anywhere, it is definitely something to consider. Continue reading to see why you should get flood insurance for your home.

  • Many homeowners insurance policies do not include a flood insurance clause which means that many people are not protected when they think they are. Flood insurance, more often than not, is purchased separately because it is not included. If you think you are covered, you may want to double check by taking a look at your current homeowners insurance policy.
  • Twenty percent of floods occur in low to moderate flood zones. Just because you may not live in an area that is prone to flooding does not mean that you are not at risk for a flood. They can happen from a burst pipe or even if the above ground pool your neighbor has collapses.
  • If you live in a new construction area, you are more prone to flooding. This is because the soil that water used to be absorbed into now will flood to other areas because of the new streets and sidewalks. It is something to consider if you live in an area of new construction.

If you would like to learn more, get a quote, or take a look at your existing flood insurance or homeowners insurance policy, please contact us at Progressive Insurance Agency, Inc. today. We will be happy to help and make sure your home is fully protected.

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