What is Accident Insurance?

If you have been shopping for health insurance, you may have come across accident insurance. You may be wondering about it, and whether you should consider getting it. 

So, what is accident insurance? 

Accident insurance is used to help pay for your medical bills, as well as any other bills that may occur after an accident. You may use this to pay for your hospital stay, medical bills, and even transportation costs. 

This insurance works like other insurance plans where you have to pay a monthly fee. You will have to pay your premium every month to continue to get the benefits that you want when you need them. 

However, it is considered supplemental insurance. It doesn’t take the place of having health insurance. Your health insurance will pay a percentage of your medical bills. You can then use your accident insurance to help cover the rest! 

You can also use this money to cover any of your other bills. If you are off work, you can use it for your mortgage, utilities, or even when you go to the grocery store.

Instead of paying your insurance company, you get the money directly, so that you can determine where you need it most. Unlike your health insurance money, you will actually get your accident insurance benefits so that you can choose where to spend it. You may use it to pay your co-pays and the percentage of the bill that your health insurance doesn’t pay. However, you can also use it to pay your bills, in case you have to miss some work.  

If you are considering accident insurance (or would just like more information), don’t hesitate to contact us today at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL. 

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The Effect of a Winter Lay-Up Clause on Your Boat Insurance

Opting for winter lay-up in Naples, FL can result in a temporary decrease in insurance costs since you promise to store your boat for the winter months and not use it at all. This provides a much better choice than canceling your insurance policy. Pro America Insurance wants you to understand the difference between the two and how winter lay-up still saves you money.

Some individuals think that they can save money by canceling their insurance for winter. This does eliminate their premiums for a few months while they store their boat, but it also leaves it in peril because of other issues such as theft or damage from a natural hazard or fire in the storage facility or while moored.

You could also purchase a boat insurance policy that includes a winter lay-up clause. That means you would agree to winterize your boat and store it in an interior storage facility – drydock. When you do this, the insurance company reduces your premium for the winter months when the boat remains unused. You still benefit from all of the coverage though.

If something happens to your boat while in drydock, it still receives protection from insurance. This choice provides a much better outcome since if a fire or other hazard occurs, your boat still has coverage.

When you cancel a policy, it also makes it tougher for you to get new insurance. You’ll increase your premiums if you can get back on insurance at all. The only way for you to get new coverage is to buy a new boat.

Contact Pro America Insurance serving Naples, FL, today for more information on winter lay-up and boat insurance. We can help you insure your boat or yacht in an affordable yet comprehensive manner.

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How Motorcycle Insurance Works

Riding a motorcycle is great, but it also comes with many risks. To help protect yourself against many of these risks, there is motorcycle insurance. If you have a motorcycle and no motorcycle policy on it, please call us at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL to find out more about it. 

Coverage for Liability

There are two types of liability coverage that every motorcycle policy needs to have. These are property damage and bodily injury liability. Neither of these types of coverage pays for your medical bills or for damage to your bike. Instead, they are focused on third parties that suffer damage from an accident that was caused by you. Property damage liability pays to repair other vehicles as well as other property that may be damaged, such as landscaping, that happens in an accident. Bodily injury liability pays for the medical bills of third parties who become injured in an accident. Both of these insurance types are highly important to have to save you from financial ruin if there is an accident. 

Additional Insurance Types

There are other forms of motorcycle insurance that can be helpful on a policy. These include comprehensive insurance, which covers your bike for incidents that happen when the motorcycle is not in use. There is also collision insurance coverage. This is for the damage that gets done to your bike in an accident. Both of these coverages are highly recommended to keep you and your finances safer after an accident or another incident occurs. Without these coverage types, you would have to repair or replace your bike on your own dime after something happens to your bike. 

Get Motorcycle Insurance

Make sure that your bike is always protected, even when it isn’t being ridden. Contact us at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL. 

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Understanding the Difference Between Term and Whole Life Insurance

Overall, life insurance is one of the wisest investments Naples, FL residents can make. With life insurance, the people you leave behind upon your passing will be financially taken care of. However, before you invest in this type of insurance, it is important to determine the type of insurance you need. Many people get confused with term and whole life insurance, so here at Pro America Insurance, we have decided to explain the two briefly.

What to Know About Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance policies are designed to provide individuals with coverage for a pre-determined time period, such as 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, etc. In the event that you pass away during this timeframe, your named beneficiaries will receive the death benefit per the terms of your insurance policy.

When compared to whole life insurance policies, term life policies tend to be more affordable. In addition, the coverage period is more flexible. The primary downfall to these policies is that there are no benefits once the plan expires. Luckily, once your term life policy expires, it is possible to convert it to a whole life insurance plan.

A term life insurance plan should ultimately be chosen if you want to invest in life insurance but have a low budget. Another instance is if you believe your coverage needs will fluctuate over time. For example, it is common for young parents with a strict budget to opt for a term life policy.

What to Know About Whole Life Insurance

Unlike term insurance plans, whole life insurance policies will never expire—unless you stop paying your premiums. Eventually, these insurance policies could begin to accrue a cash value. Once this happens, you can actually borrow against your policy to help supplement your retirement income or for an emergency.

The main disadvantage to whole life insurance policies is that they are more expensive. However, if you enroll in a plan when you are younger and healthier, then you will be able to lock in lower rates that will remain the same for the life of the policy.

Whole life insurance plans make the most sense when you are a high-income earner and want to ensure that your family is able to maintain the same quality of life upon your passing.

Even with the aforementioned information under your belt, term life and whole life insurance can still be confusing. As a Naples, FL resident, you want to ensure that you choose the best life insurance policy for you and your family. If you have any questions and need help, reach out to us at Pro America Insurance.

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Does Commercial Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Every business benefits from commercial insurance. When you have an insurance policy to protect your business, you may wonder if vandalism is covered by your policy. It’s normal to have a lot of questions about your policy and what may or may not be covered.

Pro America Insurance understands your questions about the vandalism of your Naples, FL business. Here’s what you need to know about vandalism and your commercial insurance policy.

Commercial Insurance Sometimes Covers Serious Damage

When your business is vandalized or becomes the subject of damage caused by civil disruption or rioting, your policy may kick in. Each policy is different, which is why it is so important to understand exactly what your plan covers and when you can expect insurance to kick in. Not all types of vandalism or theft may be covered.

Limits Apply

There are limits to your commercial insurance policy. For example, even if your policy covers malicious mischief and vandalism, it may not cover situations that occur after you have abandoned your building. The same applies if the damage was committed by a fellow property owner, for instance.

Check Out Different Insurance Policies

Commercial insurance policies come in many forms, and each one is different. There are many things that can happen in the aftermath of vandalism, including damage to your store’s inventory or damage to the building you rent or own. When you do not know what your policy covers, you could be caught off guard when something happens.

Do you still have questions about protecting your Naples, FL business from vandalism? Pro America Insurance can answer some of your questions about protecting your property and your inventory.

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How Does Condo Insurance Work?

Condo insurance is an important type of coverage that every condo owner should have. It can protect you from a broad range of problems that can be extremely expensive to handle. If you need an insurance policy for your condo, call us at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL. 

Your Dwelling

Condo insurance gives you a specific amount of protection for your dwelling. The part of the dwelling that you own is the only part that you need to insure. Certain areas, such as the outside walls, are not owned by you and must be insured by the condo board. The interior portion that you own may end at the inside walls that are around the edges of the condo. For some, it may include the inside area between the outer walls and your inner ones. 

Your Belongings

Another type of coverage that is included with a condo policy is insurance coverage for all of your belongings that are inside your condo. If something serious were to happen and your possessions were destroyed or badly damaged, this coverage can help you to get started again with replacements for the items you lost. When you get your condo insurance, it’s recommended that you keep a basic inventory of your possessions along with some pictures of the things you own for insurance purposes.


If a serious incident made your condo uninhabitable, your condo policy can pay for you to move elsewhere and to stay there while your home is being made habitable. This is important coverage for continuing with your standard of living even after a major incident like a disaster. 

Get Your Condo Policy

If your condo is not yet insured, give us a call right away at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL to discuss your condo and your insurance needs. 

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Top Things You Need To Know About Boat Insurance

If you own a boat in Naples, FL, you must have heard about boat insurance. But do you know what boat insurance covers? Are you asking whether it’s mandatory in Florida? Indeed, a flurry of questions can run through your mind regarding boat insurance, but Pro America Insurance is here to help you understand boat insurance better. 

Boat insurance isn’t legally required in Florida

Yes, no law requires you to carry boat insurance in Florida. However, if your boat is financed through a loan, your lender may require you to purchase boat insurance to protect their financial interest. 

You need boat insurance throughout the year

Yes, you don’t use your boat throughout the year, but you may need to carry boat insurance all year round. Here are the reasons you need boat insurance all-year-long:

  • Your lender requires you to have boat insurance throughout
  • Risks don’t have an off-season
  • Risks exist outside the water, too

While you may try to make a saving by canceling your boat insurance when not using your boat, it could be your worst nightmare when disaster strikes. 

Home insurance gives you limited protection

While it’s true home insurance protects your boat, the coverage is only applicable when your boat is within your property. Additionally, the coverage is significantly low compared to what you would get with boat insurance. 

There are several boat insurance coverages to consider

Just like your auto or home insurance, boat insurance comes with various options. Some options to consider include:

  • Comprehensive coverage for non-collision perils
  • Collision coverage to pay for damages from accidents/collisions
  • Liability coverages to cover property damage and bodily injury to third parties
  • Medical payments coverage to pay for medical expenses for injuries sustained in a boating incident

Would you like to buy boat insurance in Naples, FL? Please contact Pro America Insurance for a competitive quote.

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Do I need flood insurance in Naples?

Those that are in the Naples, FL area should consider purchasing a home. Those that are going to purchase a home in this area will enjoy having a consistent place to live and could see their housing value increase over the years. If you do buy a home here, it is important that you get insurance for it. There are several reasons why some people here may need to have a flood insurance plan to properly protect their home.

Insurance Protects Asset

A key reason that you will need to get a flood insurance plan here is that it will protect your home. There are some areas of Naples that are more prone to flood risk than others. If your home is damaged in a flood, it could be very detrimental. Fortunately, you can mitigate this risk of damage by investing in a flood insurance plan that will give you the coverage you need to repair your home following flood damage. 

Insurance is Often Required

A key reason that you should get a flood insurance plan is that it will be a requirement for many borrowers. If you have taken out a loan to buy your property in Naples, you will need to meet your lender’s insurance requirements. Depending on if your home is in a flood zone that is deemed to have high flood risk, this could include requiring you to have flood insurance. Most lenders will need to approve your plan and will escrow payments to ensure you remain covered.

Getting flood insurance in Naples, FL is important. When you are looking for coverage, calling Pro America Insurance will be helpful. Pro America Insurance knows the value that comes with this coverage and they can provide the help you need to choose a new plan. 

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Tips to consider before buying boat insurance for first time boat buyers in Naples, FL

Florida boat owners are not demanded to procure licenses to operate their watercraft vessels. However, the law requires you to register and title your boat with the federal state of Florida. As a boat owner, especially the first-time buyers in Naples, FL it’s imperative to consider buying boat insurance that will safeguard you, your boat, and your passenger while on Florida waters. The price of boat insurance in Naples, FL depends on a variety of factors such as:

Your boat’s value.

  • Your boat storage and its maritime territory.
  • The size and type of your watercraft.
  • How often your boat is used and its use.

Acquiring an outstanding boat insurance policy is crucial because you are not worried about what might happen if a disaster strikes your boat. You are guaranteed protection when you are exploring Florida waters. This risk has necessitated most boat owners in Naples FL to turn to Pro America Insurance to provide them with complete insurance coverage for their precious investment. Visit us today, and we will instill peace of mind while you are enjoying your boating escapades.

Tips to consider before buying boat insurance for first-time buyers in Naples, FL.

  • Your Auto and Home insurance policies do not cover your boat insurance: An auto insurance policy does not protect your boat while it’s in the water, but only when traveling with it while attached to your vehicle on land. A homeowner’s policy will cover your boat while on your property, but when it’s in water can only cover a small boat or a boat with a small engine in certain waterways.
  • Choose the right agent: If you do not want to suffer a loss from a certain discrepancy in the boat insurance policy, it’s prudent to put the effort in locating the right agent for your boat needs who is well versed with boat insurance matters.
  • Establish the minimum requirements for boat insurance by your state: Though many states do not require boating insurance, legal requirements are not the only consideration. If you take a mortgage to procure your boat, the lender holding the loan will require boat insurance.
  • Know your insurer: As a new boat owner in Naples, FL, the best way to go is to procure your boat policy directly from a reputable insurance entity or a boat insurance specialist. You can also add your boat insurance to your homeowner’s policy that you procured from an independent insurer.
  • How do you want to use your boat: It’s paramount to know why you are buying your boat. Is it for recreational or business purposes? Ensure that you select a good policy that is in tandem with your boat needs.

Contact us today or visit our Pro America Insurance located in Naples, FL for more information about boat insurance.

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Does Motorcycle Insurance Cover Your Passenger?

Having a motorcycle can make the Florida sunshine even more enjoyable. But if you’re not sure about the type and level of coverage you have, you could be unintentionally putting other people at risk. If you’re in the Naples, FL area and have questions about motorcycle insurance, Pro America Insurance can help. Then you can have the right kind of policy for your needs, and make sure you’re protecting both yourself and your passenger if you should be involved in an accident while on your bike. That can add to your peace of mind, as well.

Whether your policy will cover a passenger depends on the kind of coverage you have for your bike. That’s a big part of the reason why it’s so important to work with a knowledgeable agent. When you talk to an insurance professional, you can get the information you need to make sure you have the coverage you need. If your passenger expects to be covered under your insurance, or asks you about it, you’ll want to be able to give that person the right information on any risks they may be taking by riding with you. It’s possible to get a policy that covers passengers, but not all policies offer that protection.

If you have questions about motorcycle insurance, or you need to get or update a policy, reach out to us at Pro America Insurance today. We help riders in and around the Naples, FL area with their coverage needs, to make sure they have the protection and information they’re looking for. With a good bike policy, you can focus on having fun and enjoying the weather, and take a passenger with you while protecting them, too. There are some great places to explore on your bike, and knowing you have quality coverage can make that exploration more enjoyable.

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