How Does Condo Insurance Work?

Condo insurance is an important type of coverage that every condo owner should have. It can protect you from a broad range of problems that can be extremely expensive to handle. If you need an insurance policy for your condo, call us at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL. 

Your Dwelling

Condo insurance gives you a specific amount of protection for your dwelling. The part of the dwelling that you own is the only part that you need to insure. Certain areas, such as the outside walls, are not owned by you and must be insured by the condo board. The interior portion that you own may end at the inside walls that are around the edges of the condo. For some, it may include the inside area between the outer walls and your inner ones. 

Your Belongings

Another type of coverage that is included with a condo policy is insurance coverage for all of your belongings that are inside your condo. If something serious were to happen and your possessions were destroyed or badly damaged, this coverage can help you to get started again with replacements for the items you lost. When you get your condo insurance, it’s recommended that you keep a basic inventory of your possessions along with some pictures of the things you own for insurance purposes.


If a serious incident made your condo uninhabitable, your condo policy can pay for you to move elsewhere and to stay there while your home is being made habitable. This is important coverage for continuing with your standard of living even after a major incident like a disaster. 

Get Your Condo Policy

If your condo is not yet insured, give us a call right away at Pro America Insurance in Naples, FL to discuss your condo and your insurance needs. 

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