What to do when your home is going to flood
As anyone knows, Florida is a prime target for hurricanes. With hurricanes and sometimes other sorts of storms, flooding can come. Pro America Insurance serving Naples, FL has a few suggestions about what to do if you think your home is going to flood.
You should try to take your valuable possessions on the second floor of your home if you have one. If you have a one-story home, elevate your possessions off the floor as high as possible. The items you move to higher locations could include your furniture, but certainly any electronics you might have such as televisions or desktop computers, as well as clothing and other items that might get ruined by prolonged immersion in water.
If the storm is judged to be severe enough to cause home flooding, government authorities will likely ask you to evacuate. Do not ignore such instructions. If you have to leave your home, have a “go bag” that will include important documents, family photos, laptop computers and the hard drive out of your desktop. You should be aware of your evacuation route and have an idea of where you are going to end up. Remember, hotels and motels in a safe zone are likely to be booked by the time you get there. You might wind up in a shelter until you are allowed to return to your home.
It should go without saying that you need to carry flood insurance. Damage from flooding is not covered by your ordinary home insurance and has to be bought separately.
For any questions about flooding or flood insurance or to purchase a policy, contact Pro America Insurance serving Naples, FL.