4 Reasons Why You Need Boat Insurance

If you spend any time in Naples, FL, it’s pretty obvious the residents here love their boats. In fact, boating is the preferred activity of homegrown Floridians and eager visitors all year round! It makes sense that Pro America Insurance customers often turn to us to protect their boats and boating accessories to keep them on the water longer.

While boat insurance is not a legal requirement in Florida, it’s an important investment to make. Boating insurance can cover the cost of boating damages, including:

Injury – Boat insurance typically covers injuries inflicted during the operation of your boat. This coverage extends from passengers on your own boat as well as anyone injured on another vessel or in the water during an accident. 

Property Damage – If your boat inflicts damage to another person’s vessel, or upon docks or other marine equipment, your boating insurance could cover the cost of that damage. Furthermore, insurance can cover the damages to your boat during an accident, often providing funds to repair or replace the vessel.

Vandalism and Theft – Regardless of where you store your boat, it can unfortunately become the target of criminals. A boating insurance policy can help cover the cost of restoration in case of vandalism, or provide coverage for legal proceedings and vessel replacement after an act of theft.

Personal Property – If you carry a  lot of accessories, such as fishing gear, a boating policy could protect those items as well incase they are damaged or stolen. Coverage could also be extended to your trailer and other equipment you use to take the boat in and out of the water.

If you live in the Naples, FL area and want to discover more about boating insurance, please reach out to Pro America Insurance today!

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